Tuesday, March 8, 2011

An awkward thing called love

Some people say that love is eternal and neverending. Well,in my 18 years of living,I've seen that it is not quite true because when we fall in love we are so blinded that we can't see if that special person is really "the one" or not. For that matter,falling in love is an unreal feeling because we see only the good side of someone and do not care about the defects that "the special person" has. We think just because he/she is so nice and caring in the beginning,he/she does not have the bad side and he/she is our "ment-to-be" person. Well guys,that is not true. I'm talking from my experience because I was thinking just like that countless number of times- "He is so nice and caring and honest...I think I could be with him for my whole life..Maybe I really could marry him." Well,thinking like that and planning the future with the guy I fell in love with in 95% of the cases ended up pretty badly-we would break up within a week.But,as we all know,hope is what keeps us on the surface on that rough sea of love.So we keep hoping...But the question is: why do we keep hoping over and over when we know how it might end? Well,I think we all know the answer to this question..Because deep inside our hearts we know that the right one will come when we expect at least...